The main mission of CPMA is to monitor and analyse structural aspects of all common interests in the scientific, technical, educational and economic spheres, to search for common problems in the spheres mentioned above and to help to find their solution, to support the activities of its members by means of necessary information, to coordinate members’ approach to dealing with problems, to assist forming members’ opinion and standpoints and to transfer these views to the standpoints of CPMA regarding other bodies or international organisations respectively, through its commissions to prepare working plans in the spheres mentioned above and in other important spheres, to organise and maintain contacts with other pump manufacturers associated with EUROPUMP as well as pump manufacturers outside this association and with other organisations. CPMA does not have any commercial objectives and does not interfere in any competitive matters of its members
Czech Pump Manufacturers’ Association
In 1960, a new international association of pump manufacturers in Western Europe (EUROPUMP) was established aiming to represent common trade, standardisation and technical interests of European pump manufacturers. The core of this association was formed by the national associations of French and German pump manufacturers, joined by Italian and Belgian associations. Some other countries from Western Europe with an advanced pump industry joined EUROPUMP during the 1960s and 1970s. After the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 EUROPUMP became open also for the countries from the former socialist block. The representatives of the Czech and Slovak pump manufacturers participated – as guests – in the EUROPUMP meeting in French Biarritz in 1990. The Europump membership requirements for Czech and Slovak pump manufacturers were explained and the main requirement was the need to establish a national association. Accordingly in September 1990 the Czech and Slovak Pump Manufacturers Association came into existence and in the following year it was accepted as a regular member of EUROPUPM during the EUROPUMP meeting in Italian Venice. After the breakup of the common Czech and Slovak Republic, the national association changed its name and as the Czech Pump Manufacturers Association it now only represents the interests of the Czech manufacturers.
Terms of membership
- The Association consists of its members. Any natural or legal person whose business or other gainful activity is directly related to the production of pumping equipment, including drives and other components and accessories of pumping equipment, can be a member of the Association. Membership is voluntary and is based on a contract.
- A person who applies for membership in the Association shows his will to be bound by its statutes from the moment he becomes a member of the Association, by a written application submitted to the executive committee of the Association. Membership is created upon approval of the application by the general assembly, on the day of the decision of the general assembly or on another day specified in the application, which follows the decision of the general assembly.
- The association may expel its member who has seriously violated the obligation arising from membership. Exclusion is decided by the executive committee.
- The membership in the association is terminated:
- after the expiration of one month from the date of delivery of the member’s written notice of withdrawal from the Association
- by excluding a member
- failure to pay the membership fee even within a reasonable period determined by the Association
- by the death or dissolution of a member
- Membership in the association is not inherited or transferred to the legal successor of the member
Bodies of the association
Bodies of the association are:
- general assembly
- executive committee
- člen Ing. LUBOŠ MICHLÍK,
- člen Ing. Tomáš POZDÍŠEK,
- člen Ing. Lukáš ZAVADIL, Ph.D.,
- president of the CPMA

The Europump Annual Meeting 2024 will be held in the United Kingdom from Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 May 2024. The congress is hosted by the English BPMA. BPMA together with partners have prepared a high quality program which will take place in the beautiful Devere Hotel. The general program of the congress will include key topics on hydrogen, the future of the water cycle and, of course, the current economic situation and the perspective of the European industry scenario. This is the place to learn interesting insights from experts and exchange contacts with colleagues from our dynamic community.

Europump, the European Association of Pump Manufacturers, was established in 1960. It represents 15 National Associations in 12 EU Member States, the United Kingdom, Turkey & Switzerland. Europump members represent more than 450 companies with a collective production worth more than €10 billion and employing 100,000 people in Europe. The ever improving performance of liquid pumps increases the productivity of end user sectors and contributes to competitiveness and growth.
On EUROPUMP web pages you can find many important documents of the technical a legislative character:
Registered office
The Czech Pump Manufacturers Association (CPMA) represents pump companies active in the Czech Republic.
The registered office of the Association is Lutín, Jana Sigmunda street, No. 313, ZIP 783 49.
Current members of CPMA:
Jana Sigmunda 313
783 49 Lutín
tel: +420 585 651 101
fax: +420 585 651 100
Tovární č.p. 605
753 01 Hranice
tel: +420 581 661 111
fax: +420 581 661 782
SIGMAINVEST spol. s r.o.
Václavské nám. 56
111 21 Praha 1
tel: +420 224 033 226
fax: +420 224 247 258
Jana Sigmunda 313
783 49 Lutín
tel: +420 585 652 402
fax: +420 585 652 400